

You can search for books on Wikidocs and create books.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
You can search for books on Wikidocs and create books.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1bookListGETAPI to get a list of books with the starting page, size, and keyword as input.
2bookListMeGETAPI to retrieve a list of your books with a starting page, size, and keywords. (This service requires authentication.)
3bookCreatePOSTAPI to create a book with subject and summary as input. (ChatGPT plugin only)
4bookTocGETAPI to get the table of contents of a book by book ID number.
5pageDetailGETAPI to get the details of a page by its page ID number.
6pageCreatePOSTAPI to create a page with subject and summary as input. (ChatGPT plugin only)
7pageEditPUTAPI to modify a page with subject and summary as input. (ChatGPT plugin only)
8pageDeleteDELETEAPI to delete a page (ChatGPT plugin only)
9loginPOSTThis API gets an access token by logging in with Wikidocs id/password.
10commentListGETAPI to get a list of comments on a specific page
11commentCreatePOSTCommenting API, login required
12commentModifyPUTAPI for modifying comments, login required
13commentDeleteDELETEAPI to delete comments, login required
14commentReportPOSTAPI for reporting comments, login required