Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha

Dynamic computation and curated data from Wolfram Alpha.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Dynamic computation and curated data from Wolfram Alpha. When solving math word problems do not send the whole word problem at once to Wolfram Alpha. Instead break up the word problems into steps, translate the problems in mathematical equations with well-named variables and then send the equations to be solved to Wolfram Alpha. Do this for all needed steps for solving the whole problem and then write up a complete coherent description how the problem was solved, including all equations. For math questions like "what is the integral of x cos^3 x" use getShortAnswer. For data questions like "what is the population of springfield" or "distance from springfield to detroit" use getSpokenResult. If getShortAnswer or getSpokenResult fail, extract the answer from the title and plaintext in getFullResults.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getSpokenResultGETData results from the WolframAlpha Spoken Results API
2getShortAnswerGETMath results from the WolframAlpha Short Answers API
3getFullResultsGETInformation from the WolframAlpha Full Results API


What is Wolfram Alpha?

Wolfram Alpha is a plugin that provides dynamic computation and curated data from Wolfram Alpha.

How can I use Wolfram Alpha to solve math word problems?

To solve math word problems using Wolfram Alpha, break up the problem into steps, translate them into mathematical equations with well-named variables, and send the equations to be solved to Wolfram Alpha. Repeat this process for all the steps needed to solve the whole problem, and then write up a complete coherent description of how the problem was solved, including all equations.

What should I use getShortAnswer for?

You should use getShortAnswer for math questions like "what is the integral of x cos^3 x".

What should I use getSpokenResult for?

You should use getSpokenResult for data questions like "what is the population of Springfield" or "distance from Springfield to Detroit".

What should I do if getShortAnswer or getSpokenResult fail?

If getShortAnswer or getSpokenResult fail, you should extract the answer from the title and plaintext in getFullResults.